
A melhor performance para seus dados

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System Marketing Data – Data Quality & Governance

About us

We are a nationally owned company, present in the market since 1996. Our primary objective has always been for the quality of the main asset of the companies, information.

Making this information reliable, useful and secure. Fundamental to generating insights, connecting with people, retaining customers and generating new business. This guarantees the evolution and strategic growth of organizations.

We own the cadastral data qualification software known as Data Setting®7g. Technology used by Banks, Bureaus, Telecom, CRM Agencies and other segments.

We are part of the System Group with two business units:

  • Intelligence / Data Technology – System Marketing Data
  • Solutions for Contact Center – System Interact

Our products

Data Setting® 7g Server Sofware of Data Quality

The Data Quality process enables the development of an accurate and efficient database, ensuring more credibility for your business and opportunity for new business.

Data Setting® 7g offers high performance, scalability for handling unlimited volumes of data. It performs all stages of qualification: hygiene, standardization, validation, deduplication, normalization, data consolidation, correction, matchcode, matchmatrix, geocoding and household.


  • Scalability – adaptable to your demand, performance increases according to the volume of data
  • Data dictionary maintained since 1996 and updated monthly – Anatel and DNE
  • Batch and online modes – provide data quality for multiple systems

Return on Investment

Facilitates decision making in all areas of the company.


Carry out the process in an automated way.


Prevents wastage with rework.

Data Setting ® 7g Lite

The Data Quality service is required for any targeted marketing, sales, compliance, CRM and successful customer approach strategies.

Simple and compact, there is no need for an external database, because it already has its own internal database. It enables the processing of cadastral data consistency in a single application, which integrates all processes in a simple and agile way.


  • Own database, ideal for small volumes of data
  • Easy to use, process is done manually
  • Possible to be customized, developing rules according to the needs of the client



It can be used on any computer, from the simplest ones.

Easy and affordable

It does not need to be connected inside an external database, because it has its own internal database.


Reduces unnecessary costs applied to large software installation operations.

Data Setting® Firewall

It enables the development of a precise and efficient database, ensuring more credibility for your company and opportunity for new business.

Ensures the quality of data already in the input of your system. A clever way to detect the absence of information, typed wrong and unadjusted data, thus avoiding contamination of the entire cadastral database.


  • Validates real-time information – captures customer data and validates real-time information
  • Possible to be customized, developed according to client platform
  • Dictionary of data, maintained since 1996 and updated monthly.


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